Letter from Incoming President 24/25 Mary O’Connell
Dear Rockwellian,
It is an absolute honour and privilege to have been elected as President of the Rockwell College Past Pupils Union for the upcoming year, at the AGM on 22nd May. I am delighted to take on this role.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our outgoing president, Ross Thompson. His vision and passion have brought so much energy to the Union and he has helped to strengthen our ties with one another through very successful events throughout the year, while keeping our Union vibrant and relevant. I plan to continue to build on Ross's legacy, as well as the 75 other past presidents who have gone before us.
A little bit about me, for those that don’t know me. My 2 brothers and I are past pupils of Rockwell College. I attended from 1999 to 2004 and I loved my time at the school. I have great memories of playing hockey with my pals, being a member of the choir and of course learning piano with Ms Margaret Lynch. I am so thrilled to see music as well as sport thriving in the college to this day.
I first joined the Union’s Governing Body in 2004 when I moved to Dublin to study Engineering at Trinity College Dublin. When I graduated in 2008, I moved overseas, returning in 2018 when I rejoined the Governing Body. There were a few familiar faces when I returned, including Fr Pat Downes, which made me really appreciate the lasting friendships from the school with both staff and classmates alike.
With 2025 marking 100 years of the Rockwell College Union, we are excited to plan centenary celebrations, which will cater to the diverse interests of our members. Please keep an eye out for information about these events, news from past pupils as well as news from the school via our newly updated website (please take a look at www.rockwellcollegeunion.com), social media platforms and our quarterly newsletter.
One of my main focus areas for the year ahead will be to increase our membership numbers. This will help to strengthen our Union even more and help with future planning. Our Union has been supporting the school and the community for almost 100 years, and we want to continue this legacy for the next 100 years!
That's why I urge you all to mark the dates in your diary as we announce the events for the year including reunions, social events, family gatherings and outdoor activities. We would love for as many of our members as possible to join in the celebrations to mark 100 years of the Rockwell College Union. These events are a great opportunity to connect with old and new friends.
I welcome any suggestions, ideas and feedback that you might have that would help strengthen our Union. Please feel free to reach out to me at president@rockwellcollegeunion.com or any other members of the Governing Body, all of whom are listed on our website. Thanks to all our members for your ongoing support and dedication to the Union. I look forward to meeting you all at different events throughout the year.
With warmest regards,
Mary O’Connell
Class of 2004
President of Rockwell College Union 24/25