Rockwell College Union


Membership Overview

One of Ireland’s foremost Alumni networks, with multiple annual events and social gatherings. Whether you’re a long-time alumnus or recently graduated, Union membership grants you access to a dedicated Union network drawing on our large and diverse past-student body.

By joining, you are helping to support your Union, with its long tradition of helping and developing its members and giving back throughout our community.

  • Introductions and Networking.

  • Advise and Support.

  • Social and Business Events.

  • Newsletters and Updates.

  • Fundraising for the College.

 Membership Information

A Letter from our Past President: Sean Tobin - Class of 1982


The Rockwell College Union is a completely voluntary organisation run by past students and we need your support to continue to keep the Union going for the benefit of all past students and most importantly for the benefit of Rockwell College itself. The Rockwell College Union is currently going through some major changes and improvements. Our new website is up and running and the database project to improve our records of past students is well underway.

The Rockwell Union provides a unique opportunity for past students to stay in touch with each other by -

  • attending functions like the Annual Dinner in Tipperary and the Business and Social Gathering in Dublin where they can meet up with classmates and fellow Rockwellians,

  • encouraging networking between past students,

  • providing valuable contacts in the world of business, finance and other disciplines.

The Rockwell Union also maintains the association between the school and its former students and provides much-needed financial and other support to the school on an annual basis. To continue to do all this and more, we need your help by asking you to become a member of the

Rockwell College Union. Membership currently costs a modest €32 annually and can be done online. 

Should you wish to help the Rockwell College Union further financially, please contact our President regarding a specific donation or our various sponsorship packages as outlined on the Union website.

Finally, as the Rockwell College Union is a completely voluntary organisation run by past students we would ask you to consider joining the governing body of the Union if you would like to give of your time. Please contact our President if you would like to help us in this way.

Please join us and support us in whatever way you can to help the Rockwell College Union and Rockwell College.

Thank you.

Sean Tobin

Past President - Class of 1982