RIP Willie Duggan- Archived from 2017-
Willie at the 2016 Rockwell College Union Annual Dinner, recognised as Person of the Year
We were very saddened to hear of the passing of Willie Duggan, former pupil and rugby champion, this Monday last. Willie was a formidable personality, both on and off the pitch, and his frank, honest character will be sorely missed.
Willie began his rugby career at Rockwell, which he came to at the early age of 8 years old. From his early beginnings on the Junior Rugby team, he would rise to the heights of Rugby Union competition, making captain in 1984. But even at Rockwell, his skill was not limited to the field game, him being a talented sportsman in areas such as horse-riding and pole vault. In addition to this, he was renowned for his warm and forthright character throughout the college, and for his various acts of generosity. Indeed, many of the jerseys hung throughout the college can be traced back to Willie and his penchant for giving.
Willie was a great man, of kind disposition and formidable integrity. He will be missed dearly by us here at the union, and we extend our thoughts to his family and friends, and wish them the best in their time of mourning.
A celebration of Willie’s life will take place on Wednesday 30th of August, from 4 to 8pm. Visitors are advised to dress in colourful fashion, rather than black. A funeral mass will be held on Thursday at 11am in St.Mary’s, followed by burial at St.Kieran’s. We would encourage all who can to attend.