Fr Jack Finucane RIP - Archived from 2017-

It was with great sorrow that we learned of the recent passing of Fr Jack Finucane, a former teacher of Rockwell College, widely known for the immense humanitarian contribution he made as a member of the charity Concern.

Fr Jack had lead a long and fulfilling life, defined by a great force of character and a remarkably magnanimous spirit. His work, from Bangladesh to the disputed state of Biafra, brought succour and relief to untold numbers, and stands as a fitting testament to his remarkable charity.

Our thoughts are with his friends and relatives, and we wish them the best at this challenging time. Fr Jack will be sorely missed, and we hope that his legacy of aid and decency will continue to thrive in the years to come.


Matt Quillinan R.I.P - Archived-


John Barrett RIP - Archived from 2017-