4G All-Weather Rugby Facility
“ We are going GREEN on the 4G All-Weather Rugby Facility …………………”
Update December 12th 2024
Yes we are now seeing the “ greening “ of the playing surface of the new all-weather rugby facility as we get closer to completion ! Following the heavy excavation work and laying of new drainage, etc completed in September / October and with the fencing also completed, the last month has seen further stone and sand laid and the pitch levelled followed by the shock pads and now the all-weather surface covering is presently being fixed in-situ. Once this is completed, the Contractor will then progress with the dugouts, goal posts, player/emergency vehicle access roadway, pathways and construction of the “Union Wall “.
Due to the recent poor weather, the scheduled date for completion of the 4G All-Weather Rugby Facility (Phase 1) is now end January.
We are delighted to confirm that through the generosity of Past Pupils we have raised the €650,000 to meet the Phase 1 costs. Donations have been received from Classes 1958 through to 2023. The response from past pupils has been simply exceptional and it is a great testimony to the bond that exists between past pupils and their alma mater that so many Class Years and Past Pupils have supported this project. A huge “ thank you “ to all who have donated - it simply would not have happened without you !
We now focus on fund raising for Phase 2 (the Lights) and intend to lodge planning application H1 2025 with view to having the lights erected Autumn 2025. The estimated Phase 2 costs are €100,000. In further good news, we can confirm we are already receiving donations for Phase 2.
The Union Wall will be constructed in January but the graphics etc will not be erected until we have concluded Phase 2 fund raising to ensure all Donors are acknowledged on the Union Wall. Once we have raised the Phase 2 funds, we will close donations and proceed with finishing the Union Wall without delay.
Finally, and with agreement of the College, we will be “ place marking ” the new 4G All-Weather Rugby Facility and the name of this new facility will be revealed via the Rockwell College and Union Newsletters and websites in Q1 2025. It is also planned to have a formal opening of the new Rugby Facility in 2025 and further information will follow in due course.
If you haven’t donated yet it is not too late, but time is running out for you ! All donations are paid directly to Rockwell College.
IBAN:- IE03AIBK93506902435084
Thank You So Much!!!!
More photos and info below from the past few months.
The white shock pad rubber layer above.
Progress during September and October
Work started at the end of August 2024
Once again, we are counting on support of all Past Pupils so please make a donation to be able to complete this project.
Please consider getting involved and supporting this project.
You can fill out the attached paperwork HERE so that Rockwell can claim back tax relief on your donation if it is over €250 or you can make a contribution of support below.
We will keep you updated on this project in the months ahead.